Grimalkin Blog
catmode moewcore - 02/22/25 @ 5:05AM
back on my coding grind, feeling questionable. back and fourth between a lot better than normal with some "it's so over" moments. curse of social anxiety n imposter sydnrome upon thee...

i've done some stuff with the site, and plan to do a lot more. there's a zines page! you can find it in the header. it only has one very rough n kinda scuffed zine but i absolutely plan to make more as it is really fun. i've also created a little record corner for me to ramble about niche albums i find really cool that i wish other people knew about. current future plans (also a to-do list for me) are; cleaning/categorizing the website directory & changing some page stylings slightly. all soon! my motivation isn't going away 4 a lil bit.

my first zine! i'm still kinda excited about it even though i don't really like what/how i wrote it in too much, the other decorative pages make me so happy. i was cutting up letters and words from record sleeves and vhs covers for hours. cut my paws once! which is less than i expected. unfortunatly it was with dull scissors so it's an evil cut. i kinda plan for my personal zines to be a matching format of [word]: the cat cause it's fun and i like consistent themes like that.


p.s. ben stiller you bring me great pain with your tv show (i am enjoying it very much)
p.p.s listen to bis, the scottish band. awesome music.
site updates at last - 01/15/25 @ 9:31PM
i've finally been able to get into coding, unfortunatly coinciding with getting tooth surgery but that isn't stopping me. i've updated the main page as well as adding the archive and stories page. i have a few plans for possible shrine pages (beastars related, music related, idk what else) and wanna revamp some of the existing pages, mainly the pages that have the same style as the home page cause i want each page to have it's own look or style atleast somewhat.

and a quick extra to those who may be interested, here is a noisy breakcore thing i made in the span of a day :3 i called it magicshow and it is very much just breakcore/mashcore noise slop

urggh - 12/16/24 @ 9:47PM
been a lil bit. i haven't forgotten about this site i've just been fighting for my life against the demons (depressive episode) but i'm on the up. i both binge watched and binge read beastars during that and i may have a new media to take over my life like warrior cats n sweet tooth both have. so um. please don't bring up the reoccuring theme there shut up.

also! while i still have plans updates on this site are on hold for a while. current idea list is a writing/story page, a dedicated about page, a re-do of my page intro, shrine pages. i have also taken down the song i posted about before, it is still up on youtube but i feel like it's a very muddy sounding mess and not as cool as i thought it was running on 4 hours of sleep at 9am. so um ... yeah.

new release! + other things - 11/22/24 @ 9:22AM
finished a few songs this morning, not the greatest but i like whatever vibe they give off. very inspired by ed banger stuff cause i've been listening to uffie, justice, sebastian, etc a lot recently. started as just an experiment with sampling my own sounds like rendering synth one shots or taking my songs and chopping them around. you can hear the unchopped version on bandcamp as the demos, for those interested you can listen on bandcamp here.


i've been having a weird creative surge recently, drawing a lot and working on a lot of music things. and while i do like working on things this is also beating me up becuase i can't focus on other things. win/lose but i mean i got some commissions im working on small it isn't the worst thing ever. i do wish it'd get into writing cause i have a lot of ideas still floating around but none of the motivation or focus but also i got that curse of needing the conditions to be right or i can't focus on anything. there is 100% smt going on with my brain but i don't get to know what it is so i guess for now it's just a battle until i can afford to figure it out if i ever can cause god knows insurance don't care.

also i do plan to work more on this site, i really wanna give more pages their own spirit and also finish the damn characters page but coding has fallen out of my interest atm, hopefully when i'm done with commissions i can get back into it though. i gotta share my furry lore.

a lot of feelings lately. - 10/23/24 @ 1:32AM
such a weird feeling lately, like i can tell something's up but its unclear. i've had a lot on my mind but i guess it could be stress from culmination of everything. i'd say it borders delusion at times but i don't think it's that serious and if anything sits on a mix of self anxiety and social stress. it flares up, though, and when that happens i try and focus on creative outlets or atleast ideas if the energy isn't there. but it gets tough, it'd be easier if this wasn't an issue but going about solving it is it's own mess. i do my best though.


therianthropy has been heavily on my mind a lot, as it's something i've always been interested in and connected with but shyed away from until more recently. i feel better accepting it. i often think about it and ways i could incorporate it into my works, it's something i'd like to share with others even if its in something short and simple as identity expression is something important to me. i tried poem-adjacent stuff but i'm not all that good at writing pretty words outside of one cool line every now and then.

i did have a song i was working on, the lyrics we're a first draft but i was enjoying it until i realized i need to actually do the vocals and it's been in stasis since.. i'm not sure how to proceed on it so i guess for now it will remain. creative drive is there but the inspiration hasn't been as much. but i try. i make a short beat or two daily and i wish i had an easier way to share them with people. it'd be weird to have an unfinished 20 second song on soundcloud or bandcamp imo, but twitter isn't really helpful either and even then i try to avoid using it too much.

maybe sometime i'll figure it out, i could make a page here but i'd need to find good file hosting for that. i'm currently planning on character pages next, with a directory for universes or connections with the characters nested in them. won't be anything super fancy, as i don't have enough art from me or other people to make something that actually looks nice but i sure do have a lot of lore. + 3 new ocs in the works, one named jane distortion, another stygia, and the last currently dubbed horror-comedy until he gets a real name. maybe you'll see soon.

Blog Entry Example - 10/14/24 @ 1:29 PM
Just writing smt to put here so it isn't empty and odd-looking. Just gonna put any long (or sometimes shorter) rambles here, might be updated frequently might not be I can't really say much yet but for now here it is :3.